Agriculture and Fisheries
Globally competitive where high quality agricultural and fishery products such as the following are produced:
Increase production of naturally and organically grown agri-fishery products for local consumption specifically the following:
Increase production of the identified quality agri-fishery products, to to wit:
Reduce production cost and post-harvest losses for the following agri-fishery products:
Capacitate farm owners for farm and site development and for value adding of farm/site activities and products to cater to tourists and to increase production, productivity and income, and provide employment opportunities for the community residents;
Develop agro-forestry/Integrated farming system sites to include:
- Enhancement of the identified organic vegetable farms, at least five (5) of which will be duly certified as organic farms by 2022;
- Development of at least 20 herbal farms;
- An increased in area planted to endemic and indigenous fruit and forest trees by at least 5 hectares per site in the 5 municipalities (to support local construction, boat building industry, food production and processing, and habitat restoration, among others);
Improve agri-aqua sites particularly the following:
- Expansion of seaweeds production areas especially in Panoblon, Nueva Valencia and in Sabang and Alegria, Sibunag;
- Improvement and maintenance of at least one freshwater fish breeding site for perch and mudfish in Buluangan, Jordan or Camarot-an, Ravina, Sibunag;
- Development and maintenance of other freshwater areas for endemic species production and reintroduction such as climbing perch (puyo), native hito, gourami and other indigenous freshwater species;
Sustain the good eating quality of Guimaras mango fruits through implementation of Geographical Indication System/Code of Practice on Mango, revisiting/amending the Mango Ordinance, and regular monitoring of mango fruits, among others;
Facilitate access to/availability of support infarstructure, facilities and other needed interventions along the value chains (from input supply, production, processing, trading/distribution to exporting and final sale) of priority commodities;
Sustain the protection of backyard and commercial herds against disease outbreak;
Provide needed support to livestock and poultry production and enterprise development;
Enhance the advocacy to responsible dog ownership through trainings and extension of necessary services;
Strengthen coordination, linkages and convergence among LGUs, NGAs, CSOs, private sectors and communities for agri-fishery enhancement and sustainability;